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HoverAir X1 Smart Pocket Sized Self-Flying Camera - Combo Set

by Hover
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Original price $3,698.00
Original price $3,698.00 - Original price $3,898.00
Original price $3,698.00
Current price $3,098.00
$3,098.00 - $3,298.00
Current price $3,098.00

HoverAir X1 Smart

Experience the Future of Flight with the Japanese Limited Edition

Discover the next generation of drones – lighter, quieter, and smarter.

Camera: 2.7K Image Quality, Portable, and only 99g. No need for registration in Japan or other regions.

Flight Modes: 8 options (Hover, Follow, Zoom Out, Orbit, Bird’s Eye, Snapshot, Dolly Track, Side Track)

Smart Control Mode: Gesture commands for pausing, switching modes, Zoom Out, Bird’s Eye, and other shooting functions.

Image and Video Capture: 2.7K/30fps Sharp Image and HDR Video Capture

Lightweight and Portable: Only 99g

Memory: 32GB internal

Battery: 690mAh lithium battery with a double charging hub supporting a 5000mAh lithium battery

Dimensions: 114mm x 142mm x 27mm

Registration: Not required in Japan. *For accurate and updated rules, or to check no-fly zones, refer to the official website before use.

Combo Set Includes:

Battery + Extra Battery + Charging Hub (recharges 2.5 times), total flight time 45 minutes.



color: black
style: 2 batteries plus portable two-position charging stand Combo set
Travel Set for you: 內含:旅行保護套裝。30w充電及手提袋
 A Game-Changer in the Sky (still weighing only 99g)

A Game-Changer in the Sky (still weighing only 99g)

Compact and Light: Under 100g, making it exempt from registration. Fly in minutes with easy setup!

Limitless Shooting Modes

Easily switch between multiple shooting modes: (Hover, Follow, Zoom Out, Orbit, Bird’s Eye, Snapshot, Dolly Track, Side Track), as well as intelligent flight, side follow mode, etc. There are a total of 10 modes for you to explore, and drone beginners can also complete professional-level shooting images.




Zoom Out

Dolly Track


Powered by Hura Commerce

Intelligent Flight Paths

Maintain height and hover, adapting smoothly to your movements.




 Capture Your Vision

Capture Your Vision

Equipped with a high-end Qualcomm® chip, AI face recognition, VIO tech, and ToF LIDAR laser, for precise, high-end photography anywhere you go.


Advanced Smart Modes

Advanced Smart Modes

Hover: Capture bursts of creativity.
Front-Follow: Automated tracking from the front.
Side-View: Like a loyal companion, capturing side shots.


Pocket-Sized Power

Pocket-Sized Power

Super compact design that fits in your palm. Ideal for travel – no more bulky selfie sticks. Your ultimate outdoor companion!


Endless Possibilities with the HOVER App

Manually adjust height, distance, and angle while checking real-time views from the camera. AI noise reduction ensures crystal-clear audio in your videos.



起飛重量(含電池): 99克
尺寸(長×寬× 高):142mm×114mm×27mm
最大上升速度 :1.5m/s
最大下降速度 :1.5m/s
最大水平跟隨速度 :8m/s
最大海拔: 2000m,最高5000m(小心飛行)

最長飛行時間: 10分鐘
最大抗風: 7.9m/s(4級風)
工作溫度: 0°C~40°C
接口類型: USB-C 2.0
Wi-Fi :2.4G、5.8G(日本僅2.4G)
機身內存: 32GB
電池容量 :690mAh
標準電壓 :7.7V



4000*3000(12MP) (1200萬像素)
2704x1520@30fps、 1920x1080@60fps、 1920x1080@30fps (HDR)


1. HOVERAir X1 Smart 同傳統航拍機有咩明顯分別?

HOVERAir X1 Smart 主打「人物同生活記錄」,可以超近距離跟拍,內置多種AI自動運鏡模式,操作極簡化——唔需要遙控器,㩒一個掣就自動起飛兼拍攝,所以我哋叫佢做「飛行相機」;傳統航拍機主要用嚟影山水遠景,必須用遙控器操控,新手要花時間學,甚至要專人教先識用。

2. HOVERAir X1 Smart 啱唔啱我用?

如果你鍾意用創意視角記錄生活、想輕鬆捕捉自己同朋友家人嘅動態、或者經常去旅行、行山、跑步、踩單車、玩滑板,但又唔想煩學操控航拍機——X1 Smart 就係你嘅最佳拍檔!
✓ 戶外活動必備:露營、行山、旅行帶住超輕機身,用嘅機會多幾倍!
✓ 海外旅行免註冊:例如日本規定100克以上航拍機要登記,X1 Smart 完全唔使搞。
✓ 專利HEM物料:比上一代更耐用,防撞抗壓仲保持輕身,粗暴使用都冇問題!

3. 佢個AI跟拍有幾勁?

開發商「零零科技」由2016年推出全球首部近身跟拍航拍機Hover Camera Passport,累積數十萬用戶同每年500萬次飛行數據,AI技術經過8年實戰改良。
X1 Smart 升級版AI晶片+自研算法:
→ 極速識別人樣外觀,即使你喺複雜環境中快速移動/突然被遮擋,依然鎖定唔會跟錯
→ 支援多角度跟拍:正面、側面、背面自動切換視角,拍Vlog流暢過用手機
→ 手勢操控黑科技:揮手即切換模式,成功率遠超一般手勢識別技術

4. 點買最抵?推薦邊個套裝?

✓ 主機(內置1電池)
✓ 2粒後備電池
✓ 充電管家(可當充電盒使用,幫你叉滿2.5次電)

5. 畫質專唔專業?

✓ 2.7K/30fps影片 + 三重防震(機械雲台+EIS電子防震+水平校正)
✓ 實測畫質喺超輕型航拍機中數一數二,仲有厘米級精準定位技術
→ 注意:唔同品牌解像度標準唔同,單純睇參數未必準,建議睇頁面用戶實拍片比較!

6. 得10分鐘續航夠唔夠用?

✓ 每10分鐘可拍約20段片(每段20-40秒),配合AI自動跟拍,新手都極高成功率
✓ 需要長拍建議加套裝:
→ Combo套裝:45分鐘總續航
→ 3電套裝:55分鐘總續航
✓ 充電管家設計好評:叉一次可充滿2.5轉電,出街唔使帶多舊叉機

7. 香港飛航拍機有咩限制?

✓ 必須遵守《小型無人機令》
✓ 禁飛區:維港兩岸、機場5公里範圍、所有郊野公園/離島限定區域(出發前要查地圖)
*使用前應留意有關憲報及民航處 SUA一站通網頁,以獲取有關 「限制飛行區」的即時資訊。

✓ 高度限制:90米內(X1 Smart內置限高設定)
✓ 99克免註冊:X1 Smart符合<250克重量,無需申請牌照

8. 使用時要注意咩?

✗ 海拔2000米以上 / 氣溫低過0℃或高過40℃
✗ 懸崖邊或高樓窗戶飛出
✗ 5級以上強風、落雨、水面或夜晚使用